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Lesley at the Lewes Speakers’ Festival

Lesley Thomson | July 2, 2016 | No comments
I’m at the Lewes Speakers’ Festival talking about my new novel The House with no Rooms with Lisa Holloway (of The…

Arsenic and Old Lace?

Lesley Thomson | January 9, 2016 | No comments
As Winter envelops us, I’m heading into the depths of the countryside (well, Ditchling) in Sussex at the end of…

Lesley with Peter James @ The Berry Theatre 9th Oct 2014

Lesley Thomson | October 7, 2015 | No comments
I joined Peter James, Fergus McNeil and James Law at the Berry Theatre for a night talking about the business…

Lesley talks to For Book’s Sake

Lesley Thomson | September 30, 2015 | No comments
I’m ‘talking’ to the website For Book’s Sake at 7pm today (30th September 2015)  live on Twitter.  Follow the conversation on…

Lesley @ The Chiswick Literary Festival in September

Lesley Thomson | September 8, 2015 | No comments
2.45 pm: The Crime Professionals – inside knowledge and research I’m on a panel with  Stephen Cassidy (retired Detective Chief Superintendent…

Lesley goes ‘Underground’ with the Police

Lesley Thomson | June 1, 2015 | No comments
Hammersmith Library, with my publisher Head of Zeus, put on a thought-provoking and fun evening on Thursday 28th May 2015.…

Reading Crime Month

Lesley Thomson | May 20, 2015 | No comments
As part of the CWA’s Crime Reading Month in June,  I’m on tour with fellow writers,  Elly Griffths, William Shaw…

Hammersmith Calling

Lesley Thomson | May 20, 2015 | No comments
… Read more

Jack and Stella go South

Lesley Thomson | May 18, 2015 | No comments
I’ll be at Clapham Books this Thursday (20th May) reading from The Detective’s Secret and signing copies. Do come along!…

The Story Behind the Story – on writing The Detective’s Secret

Lesley Thomson | April 23, 2015 | No comments
I begin my writing process with an image. For this novel, the image was a windmill on the Sussex Downs…

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