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Writing Ghost Girl – The Murder Site

Lesley Thomson | April 17, 2014 | No comments
Thursday 16th August 2012. Dukes Meadows at eleven in the morning. I park my car in the shade of a…

Writing Ghost Girl – The School

Lesley Thomson | April 17, 2014 | No comments
‘Erected in memory of S.L. Swaab Esq. His knowledge like a spring of refreshing water flowed ever during life for…

Ghost Girl Out Today!

Lesley Thomson | April 10, 2014 | No comments
‘Ghost Girl is a terrific crime novel. You are left with a feeling of utter satisfaction – the intricate, multi-layered plot never overshadows…

Kaz Harrison | March 24, 2014 | No comments
… Read more

Suspense – Week course at West Dean College

Lesley Thomson | February 28, 2014 | No comments
I taught the last in a series of courses – Engaging Narratives  on Friday 21st March to the Sunday with crime-writer Jason Goodwin. West…

Welcome to my website

Lesley Thomson | February 17, 2014 | No comments
Welcome to my website. Here you can find details of my writing, of forthcoming events and past events. I take photographs while writing,…

Sainsbury’s Ebook of 2014

Lesley Thomson | February 6, 2014 | No comments
Thanks to everyone who voted for The Detective’s Daughter. It beat 150 major titles to become Sainsbury’s ebook for 2014…

Lesley on BBC Sussex and Surrey’s Feel Good Friday

Lesley Thomson | February 6, 2014 | No comments
I  enjoyed being Joe Talbot’s guest in the ‘Tea for Two’ slot on his Feel Good Friday show on the…

Steyning Book Shop – Lesley Thomson with Elly Griffiths

Lesley Thomson | February 6, 2014 | No comments
Thursday 27th February. This was a lovely evening – thanks to the hospitality of both the Steyning Bookshop who organised the…

Lesley won The People’s Book Prize

Lesley Thomson | December 16, 2013 | No comments
I won the won the inaugural People’s Book Prize for fiction on July 21st  2010. A wonderful and unexpected surprise. Fast…

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